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LeChuck is the main antagonist in the Monkey Island Video Game Franchise.

He appears in Animated Villains vs Video Game Villains, Video Game Tournament and Worst Villain Tournament Ever.

Animated vs Video Game Villains War[]

Vs Captain Hook[]

LeChuck was sailing the seas while gathering monkeys for a spell, when suddenly he found himself sucked into a strange portal. When he came to, he was outside Captain Hook's ship, and he got in a fight with the pirate. Hook fired his cannons before LeChuck could do anything, destroying LeChuck's magic orb, vaporizing him and sinking his ship.

Hunting Captain Hook[]

Captain Hook sent a few pirates to clean up the mess after his battle with LeChuck, and on one of Hook's ships, a pirate found a pair of boots in the ocean, he picked them up unaware that the boots belonged to LeChuck.

Vs Captain Hook[]

Captain Hook set sail for Skull Rock to bury some treasure. But while burying treasure, Captain Hook heard strange voices and investigated while his crew continued to bury the treasure. Then he found the source of the noise and was shocked by what he saw. Two members of his crew, turned into skeletons! But things got worse when Captain Hook saw his enemy LeChuck return. LeChuck hadn't forgotten about Hook, and now he was out for revenge! LeChuck ordered his skeletons to fire the cannons at Hook, sending him flying into the crocodile's mouth. LeChuck then attacked Hook's crew and turned them into living skeletons with his breath.

A Bigger Crew[]

As Smee lamented over Hook's death, LeChuck gathered his undead army.

Vs Dr.Facilier[]

While reading tarot cards, Dr. Facilier noticed a card with LeChuck's picture on it. He quickly realized that this was a warning from his friends on the Other Side. Meanwhile, LeChuck had set up a new base disguised as a carnival for pirates and sailors. His minion Dingy Dog warned him about Facilier, so LeChuck decided to send his new "recruits" after the Shadowman. As the ghost pirates attacked Facilier, the Shadowman used his voodoo powers to trap them and gave them to his Friends on the Other Side who devoured them.

Vs Ursula[]

Ursula discovers that it's LeChuck who's put Triton on high alert. When she discovers that LeChuck is searching for his bride to be, she decides to pose as Elaine. Once LeChuck sees Ursula in disguise, asks for her hand in marriage. Once she reveals her true self, she steals some of LeChuck's voodoo and turning him back into a zombie. LeChuck maybe weakened, but he still has fight left in him, and she'd better keep her guard up...

A source of power[]

Much to Demetri's disbelief, LeChuck claims he can find a powerful crystal skull that can help him return to full power...

LeChuck CGI

LeChuck in the CGI universe

Video Game Villains War[]

LeChuck is commanding his ship on the high seas when the malevolent Lucien sneaks aboard. The villain tries to take control of the ship, but LeChuck will have none of his attempt. He brings out his famous "flaming voodoo cannonball," only for Lucien to shoot it out of his hand. Fortunately, the cannonball does not explode, merely evaporating Lucien's appearance of youth. When LeChuck tries to cut Lucien down, the foe shoots away his cutlass. Enraged, LeChuck fires a cannon directly into Lucien's face, killing the mutineer instantly. LeChuck is later seen joining the forces of Gruntilda.

Worst Villain Tournament Ever[]

Vs Dr.N Bio[]

Another intruder is a powerful zombie pirate LeChuck, who wants to find Singe and tear him apart. LeChuck is interrupted by N Brio, and the Ghost Pirate doesn't like it and tries to kill him. Brio jumps to water, where he turns into a mutatic frog. LeChuck tries to kill him again, but the mutant goes back into the water and starts collapsing the ship. LeChuck fires for third time, this time Brio goes away and the pirate sends his men to conquer the area and find DeSigne.

Worst Hero And Villain War Ever[]


Charles LeChuck was born in a remote caribbean village in the early 1700's. He was the son of a trader living in the sparsely populated Melee Island. When Charles was 16 the village was raided by pirates, turning Melee Island and the surrounding archipelago into a pirate community which would reside there for well over hundreds of years. LeChuck was taken into the custody of feared pirate captain Gory Gabriel. LeChuck learned everything he needed from him to become a very fearsome pirate. LeChuck led an uprising against Gabriel and took over his ship, starting the reign of LeChuck and becoming the most feared man in the Caribbean.

As years went on, LeChuck's head became more possessed price than any other treasure in existence, an unknown pirate found a way to kill him thanks to the help from a mysterious voodoo priestess, known as Voodoo Lady. As LeChuck was looking for Monkey Island, the hero pirate sneaked behind him and tried to stab him with the Cursed Kutlass of Kaflu. LeChuck noticed him and was about to choke him until the hero pirate distracted LeChuck by stating a three-headed monkey was behind him. When LeChuck turned away, hero pirate stabbed him, releasing the Caribbean from LeChuck's grasp.

LeChuck fell to Hell, where he was welcomed by The Gatekeeper, LeChuck wanted to find a way to come back to life, and Gatekeeper promised he would be resurrected if he were to beat him in a board game of his. LeChuck managed to be the very first person ever to beat Gatekeeper, and he was resurrected.

LeChuck wanted to get his revenge on Voodoo Lady and started studying voodoo himself to turn him into a ghost and later a zombie. Zombie LeChuck wasn't really around for few hundred years as he was still looking for the Secret of Monkey Island. He was also spotted roaming in the European seas for unknown reasons.

LeChuck returned to relevancy in early 1990's, when he returned to Melee Island to ask for the marriage of Governor Elaine Marley. Elaine rejected him however, which drove LeChuck mad and he began terrorizing the Tri-Island Area once again. Then in came Guybrush Threepwood, a young pirate who Voodoo Lady believed to be the next one to kill LeChuck. LeChuck got wind of this and disguised himself as the Melee Island sheriff in hopes of stopping Guybrush, but failed. Guybrush eventually killed LeChuck by making him drink Grog. LeChuck would cheat death time and time again, being driven by his love of Elaine and hatred of Guybrush and Voodoo Lady. Eventually Malmoth, the ruler of Hell, got tired of LeChuck's escapades and made him a demon, telling him that one day he would be released to wreak havoc and finally succeed at becoming the Pirate God.

Captain Beard Skunk

Animated vs CGI Villains War (Saverio Gamba)[]

Vs Captain Hook[]

The pirate LeChuck is sailing the seas in the CGI world, however a large portal sucks him inside. He finds himself in the animated world and is cornered by Captain Hook, who was watching over Maleficent's castle in the sea. Who will have the upper hand?

Comic Book vs Video Game Villains War[]

All-Star Villains Vs Worst Villains War[]
